Thanx to Abg Ise coz give me a task to be done. Lagipun tak de keje nak buat. I got something to do now. Hehehe…..
Sorry bcoz as you know, I’m not a good writer and even not a good storyteller.
But, when it comes to talk about basketball particularly about CAGER 0408 and how we worked together, huh..!! Banyak nye nak type. Due to the fact, it is my experience I love the most for the time being.
To all captains regardless which form you are now, hopefully you’ll get some ideas how to lead the team. I wasn’t that good but hopefully can share something precious. And to the others please take note that the job isn’t place on the captain’s shoulder alone. Everyone has his own responsibilities.
Nak dijadikan cerita, everything started in form 2. Mase form 1 tak tau pape lagi. Nak jage diri sendiri pun tak lepas. In fact, I were chosen by the form5 ’04 when the school season was about to end. So time ni banyak giler buat meeting. Every weekend sure ade meeting. If tak buat in classroom, we gathered in surau new hostel and burnt the midnight oil. RAMPA horn pun ignore je. During meeting, it was not necessary to talk formally about training. Time ni la we met up then solved problems yang appeared. It didn’t matter problem tu pasal ape pun; besar ke or kecik ke, all problems need to be settled awal-awal. Then, after discussing the issues, we were joking around, gelak-gelak..
I still remember one moment sir marah kat semue form 2 sebab turun court lambat since mase tu puase and prep pun takde. So everyone was taking advantage to sleep. Unfortunately, that day semue lambat. Therefore, I arranged a meeting at night. Starting from that incident, we constructed a time table for who shouldn’t sleep on a particular day. He was required to wake everybody up before azan Asar. For your information, there was a secret beneath the action of organizing meetings.. Actually, by organizing meetings, everyone started to realize that I were their captain. Consequently, respect started to blossom. Sebab tu orang cakap, no need to ask respect from others instead, kite kene respect orang lain dulu. Other than that, we did everything together; walked to class, came down to court, makan, we did everything as one.. This in a way made everybody felt appreciated and we knew in everything we did, there were someone accompanied us. Maybe due to that tak ramai sangat yang quit.
Masuk pulak form 3. Ramai cakap mase form 3 semue buat hal sendiri, tak nak dengar cakap orang. Fortunately, my teammates weren’t like that. Still buat meetings regularly in common room pavi or in class. Problems still emerged but as long as a captain could handle it, everything ran normally. Ade 1 mase tu, when sir announced it was not compulsory for form 3 to come down to the court, then I started to worry. You know what, once we did escape practicing for a long time, we’ll be so lazy. I experienced that. That time, Justin, ‘Ammar and a few players malas sangat nak turun court. If study okay la kan but then, everyone were sleeping. So kene pakse laa. If petang tu takde kelas then I rounded pavillion from dorm 2 sampai dorm 7. Kejutkan semue orang. When we expect something from others, we have to show it 1st. Kene la tunjukkan contoh yang t’baek kat semue.
That year, we still did the whole thing jointly. Mase prep, study same-same kat bawah TAR Hall though studied just for a few minutes only. Most of the time chitchatting. Pegi kelas, surau, Carey Hall even duduk kat meja Carey pun same-same. If I put my tray on a table, then no one dared to sit around me at the same table. Everyone knew already it reserved for my teammates. I tried to coordinate as much activities as I can in order to get everybody in a team. Every Saturday, we went to the town together and spent our time with each other. Nampak simple je kan tapi bende-bende macam ni la yang rapatkan kitorang.
Come to form 4.. That year sangat la best coz dorm dekat dengan court. Mase ni tak susah sangat la basically semue dah matured. Just need to work hard to fully conquer ‘Ammar, Justin, Luqman, Stamai. They quite malas. Everyday nak kene kejut tido. As a matter of fact, that was my job. So every evening, before coming down to the court, the whole east wing could hear my voice. I shouted to Justin in dorm 1 from dorm 7B. “Justin, Justin..!!ko kejut budak dorm bawah, aku dah kejut semue kat dorm atas.” Huh..kelakar giler..
Time warm up final PPM, sedey giler, macam nak nangis pun ade. I was just thinking how could I handle the CAGERS after the season ended? In fact, dah lame soalan tu ade kat dalam kepale. The best thing mase form 4 was during Spritzer Cup Tournament. Win or lose wasn’t matter at that time the thing was teamwork. That time we managed the trip ourselves. Wrote letter balik kampong, accommodated at Justin’s house, shared money for tickets and taxis. Syahmi habis duit banyak sangat. Poor him. But, untuk team, ape-ape pun bley buat. We were so proud as our mission accomplished.
After PPM I divided my job to each of my teammates after being told by Aunt Ana. Fitness statistic (Jae) first aid kit (Ammar) storeroom (Stamai) skipping (Iwan) bola (Syahmi) jersey (Justin) etc. By doing this, tak la seksa sangat nak supervise team. Tapi still need to examine them and make sure semue keje beres. Then, every batch pun ade orang observed. Form 1(Acap, Iwan, Puyuh, Syahmi) form 2 (Zayne, Ammar, Luqman) form 3 (Justin, Jae, Stamai). It lightened my burden. Actually segan sangat when Aunty tegur pasal team seemed I didn’t know how to manage the team. After 2nd thought, I realized I’ve to accept advices be it from my teammates or outsiders as it beneficial for me and others. I cannot be selfish.
After fully undertaking the team, I had my own mission that I didn’t want to burden Mr Liew, Abg Ise and Aunty Ana with small crisis. We as the seniors tried our best to keep away the problems from them and tried to solve it on our own. What we wanted was Mr Liew to entirely focus on training rather than settling issues that weren’t linked with team performance. One night I organized an isolated meeting beside the court between form 4. “Aku layak ke nak lead korang?” I asked them, "ade sesape yang bley buat better than me? If ade then I don’t mind, dye bley jadi kapten team ni.” Bunyi macam dah give up je kan.. But word ‘give up’ never existed in my dictionary instead I only wanted the best for the team and the best person deserve that post to shoulder the huge responsibility. That night kitorang semue nangis. Hehe. Everybody put their trust on me to lead the team. I couldn’t afford to disappoint them.
Finally, form 5. Year of 2008, my focus not only to lead the team to the glory plus, I wanted everyone got an ever lasting memory. Sir pun seldom turun court bcoz he was so buzy with his business.. He only informed me what to do on a particular evening through phone. Tapi, I just added something extra for the team. Sir told me routework 3 rounds, I said 5 rounds. Suicide 1, 2 I said 1, 2, 2 or 1, 2, 3. Hahaha…kejam nye..nak buat camne, macam tak possible je buat routework 3 rounds then suicide 1, 2.. That’s why everyday buat full blow. Route work 3 to 5 rounds, skipping 5 minutes, then suicide 1, 2, 2 or 1, 2, 3. If want to gain extra, then work extra…!!
On the court, expression kene serious for the reason I didn’t want any body to be playful on the court. After penat-penat fitness, I made noises mase buat drills. I hoped I could boost our spirit so that penat tu tak terasa sangat. Truly, this action fuelled everybody. In addition, by doing so, nampak la ade orang training kat court tu. And biler orang lain tangok, they got impressed, “Hah, tu la Cagers.” After training over, I called up everyone including juniors. We shared problems among us as I believed sharing is caring. The FAMILY concept still progressed.
Teammates lain pun dah ade their own jobs. Hence, my duties tak banyak sangat. If there was anything, I just enquired the one who in charged. “Stamai, store dah kemas?” “Justin, jersey cukup tak? Count once again,” “Ammar, barang first aid kit cukup?” “Jae, buku statistic mane? Dah isi belum?”……macam tu laaa…. I still memorize an event where we were about to go to SERATAS for North Zone Level. I asked one by one to open their bag and myself checked whether they had brought the jerseys or not. That time ‘Ammar was so confident yang dye dah bawak. Dye pun malas nak bukak beg. But I compelled him to do so and I wanted to check on my own. By then, baru noticed yang dye missed jersey hitam. Hah…! Naseb baek… So a captain must check small small things to avoid any unpleasant thing to happen. Furthermore, bende-bende macam ni la yang bley buat sir hilang focus nak coach. Afterwards, captain gak yang kene blame. So, prevention is always better than cure.
When juniors ade problem, I just sent ‘Ammar, Justin, Luqman, Jae or Syahmi to settle it. After that still take note. Tak de la nak ignore camtu je..coz junior pun part of the team. Lagipun at least they learnt how to deal with problems.
As a captain we should appreciate semue orang regardless orang tu contribute to the team or not. You know why..? Bcoz we never awared that person contributed or not. For me, the credit should be given to those who were not capable to be in the team. They played indirect role to boost the team spirit. Just imagine if there were only 15 persons training on the court, no competition right..? Besides, diorang la yang happening kan court. Practice ramai-ramai baru best tapi tak la ramai sangat. They knew that they will never be in the team, but they still came down to cheer for us. Respect kan..? Bcoz of that I didn’t allow Acap, Puyuh, and Zayne to quit from the team. “Mok, ko rase kitorang ade chance nak masuk team?” they sought the answer from me personally. It was hard for me to answer that question. “Please, Acap, Puyuh and Zayne, korang jangan quit, aku really need korang untuk support team.” So I recommended them to meet Mr Liew and told him they were willing to take over the juniors but not to quit from the team.
Same goes to ‘Ammar and Justin. Even though people always uttered they created troubles in the team, but if diorang takde, I never knew how to get used with difficulties. I learnt a lot from both of them how to manage my emotion in conducting critical situations. Sebab diorang gak la I became a little matured.
Apart from that, captain should know how to treat orang yang banyak b’jasa kat team. Mr Liew, Abg Ise, Aunty Ana, they sacrificed a lot for the team. For example, we did keep in touch with Mr Liew frequently. Tanye khabar, opinions, and share happiness. But we never told him the obstacles we coped with. Bukan ape, tak nak dye susah hati. Tapi kitorang solved semue tu same-same. So, never sampai kat pengetahuan sir. At least bersih la sikit name team.
Before I let the cat out of the bag, I wish Aunty, Abg Ise and Sir will forgive me. Actually, my injuries before PPM National weren’t because I fell down however, in point of fact, it was my own stupidity. That time I was so mad with Justin and Ammar as they escaped from shooting practice doing their own business. It wasn’t fair to the others yang training under the burning of sun rays. I lost my emotional control. I hammered the glass window kat dorm 1 with my own hand. Consequently, my arm got wounded. Fool right..? Huh… I got a lesson. In spite of everything, I trained as usual. Sampai la kat Cameron Highlands baru tau I got infected. Sorry bcoz we as a team were keeping the truth solely to avoid sir marah. Tak sanggup nak witness sir marah. Mase tu pun most of the main players injured; Syahmi and Luqman injured ankle, Justin peha, Ammar pinggang. Huh, takkan nak add up masalah kat sir..? dilema mase tu…mintak maaf ea, Abg Ise, Aunty Ana, and Mr Liew….=) Auspiciously, I can play sampai final.
To wrap up, a captain plays a significant role in a team. Dari dalam court sampai luar court, semue under the duty of a captain as long as it related to the team accomplishment. Nevertheleast, teammates lain pun ade tanggungjawab sendiri. If captain je yang committed tak bley gak. Captain needs support from teammates especially batchmates. Everyone must do everything for the sake of the team. Top student in batch bcoz of team, zero disciplinary problem bcoz of team, train hard bcoz of team. Everything laa.. Other than that, each and everyone of us have to care and love for each other. As a team, we should ever ready to sacrifice for the sake of the team. If semue ni run perfectly, sampai 1 level, kite akan rase kosong if sehari tak jumpe teammates. Just like me, duduk kat rumah rindu giler kat Justin, Iwan, Luqman, Syahmi, Jae, ‘Ammar, Stamai, Acap, Zayne and Puyuh. Even the juniors, tak penah lupe kat diorang. Nak tinggalkan team pun tak sampai hati. Hmmmm…