Dear all Cagers,
Alep here, captain Cagers for the year of 2006, due to permintaan abg ise, just wanna put some advises for the current team of 2009, as far as I am concern, I knew that Syai sedang memegang panji2 as the captain for 2009. I did know all the players and even know their attitude during my 'f5' at koleq'. where to start at?
As a team, there is a lots of thing that we have to focus at and put some extra perhatian actually. Having a team is not such an easy job. Need a lot of efforts, feelings towards each others, concern and so on. Guess you guys know it very well right. When the team is falling down or having some sort of problem, please dont behave like you dont even know it, or easily put the blame towards the captain or the person who did it, that seriously not the way to solve it. Or mybe it just gonna make the situation become more worst and worsterest. Buat meeting selalu, discuss bout almost everything, especially the f5, being a f5 is completely 'sangat sangat bertanggungjawab' after all.
If my team did kalah on the year of 2006, people never blame another batch or put their finger kepada batch 2005, no and never such thing happen. People will talk about f5 on that year. That actually is the pressure commonly yang f5 kena pikul. Seriously cant run from it. No matter what happen.
But eventually, from tekanan2 itu, we get to have all those courage, speret, kesedaran and so on. No one can help us esp the f5, this is ur last year, just give ur best and all out. North zone is just around the corner. After that, ppm national. Then ur life as a Cagers are gone already. Hanya tinggal kenangan-kenangan manis or kenangan pahit, that you guys who have the right to decide it. No one else, tak kan Mr Liew, tak kan abg ise or kak ana. What they or we can do is just supporting the team, motivating the team, tunjuk ajar apa patut and give the true spirit. We did put a lot of harapan or semangat untuk melihat team 2009 to win dis year ppm. Its such a hope from us after all. Please dont forsake us.
Based on what that I have been through at my time, school seldomly menyokong apa yang Q4G did plan or any events about basketball. Maybe they did cemburu perhaps. But after all, who's care. We keep on planning because we did have the semangat and of course sokongan from other pihaks. Infact, as we all know, pihak sekolah sudah banyak berubah lately, that what I had heard. It means good. The school start to give some response towards apa yang Q4G did. What we have to do is just to behave and produce minor problems. Avoid any kes such as 'fly', pergi block junior malam2, jumpa jambu and other stuffs yang lain. Pihak sekolah sentiasa mencari kesalahan, mencari point yang sesuai so that they got some extra point there and ada peluang untuk memburukkan nama Cagers. That all, by the time we did behave, pihak sekolah got no point untuk diperjuangkan and then mereka akan just keep silent and mencari masa2 yang sesuai untuk memperkatakan hal hal Cagers pada masa2 yang datang. Be alert about this. Finish latihan tepat pada waktu nya. Melainkan atas hal2 yang considerable. Segerakan diri ke masjid by the time magrib. Actually that is so common as a Cagers or even as budak koleq. If not rampa for sure akan tercari2 or tekejar2. Show some respect towards teachers even they didnt like you as a Cagers. Ambil hati mereka jika perlu. Dont make thing become more complicated because of that. Be profesional..
Training time is so important for the team to develop and feel the understanding between each others, the chemistry among players and so on. Team which dont even have a proper training wont and cant reach to the higher level. Believe me, unless kesemua players amat amatlah talented and superb. Taking the afternoon practise seriously are actually sangat penting. We did not have enough time to practise melainkan waktu petang only. So, give ur commitment on that. Only for about one and half hours. Fully focus and ignored yang tidak patut. Playing basketball is not just about playing bola yg bulat and ada line kat tepi2 bola tue. Its is about the whole team and how the team develops slowly until team get their own style and rhythm. From the way kita main, people can assume us, just by looking at the way we did play. That why practises are so important. You guys sudah besar enough to think about it. Doing lay up since f1 till f5 actually amat membosankan. But itu lah basic yang membolehkan kita membuat move2 yang lain. Depends on us how to make our lay up berlain dari orang lain. Put some strength. Flip the ball. Makin lama kita practise, the more comfortable we got, the more confident inside ourselves. And even the more confident yang kita letakkan on the ball yang kita pegang. Trust me on this, if tak caya, ask abg ise sendri. Lay up time f1 if nak dicompared kan with time f5. What can we expect, on air pun dah lain, the way we flip the ball pun are totally different right.
Captain is tulang belakang team. Even Tai Chek sendiri once told me this. Membuatkan me and my teammates yang lain terkedu, but that is the true. To Syai or any captain wannabe, there is a lots pro and contra of being a captain. Its far away from easy. It is not something that we can show off. It is a big big responsibility that the captain have to carry on. What a captain must do?
-always think about his teammate
-care about them
-give fully support on any events
-tidak bertindak sebagai batu api among players
-alert about anything as a team
-keep on informing about what the others must do
-lead practise petang or even pagi
-solve any problem that matter
-play very very well
Still banyak to mention above. Sometimes, kebahagiaan sesuatu team also depends on the captain, how the capt handle it. How the capt solve it and anything. Any captain got their ways or methods of being a leader. It is totally berlainan with other captain. Dont compared them specifically. Earn some respect from teammates. Give some sign that other teammates have to follow you. To listen what you got to say. But after all, being a captain doesnt mean you cant berseloroh or bergurau senda with ur teammates. You can, but in ur own special methods of communication. Dont be too quiet. So that people agak berani to approach you or say anything. Alert kepada environment, ambil tahu cerita2 yang mungkin berkaitan with ur teammates. Maybe he did have a problem with another teammates or anything. As a captain, we got to expect anything. But not just easily menuduh kepada sesiapa, works wisely. Have a dicussion with ur teammates. At least acap kali berjumpa, set up a place. make it as event mingguan. The most important, try to make ur teammates happy under ur leadership, that's the most thing you must to care about after all. In a team, a lots of konflik dalaman may happen. Maybe even sekarang. Menjaga hati teammates sometime lebih penting dari menjaga hati sendiri.
Handle a coach? best thing ever in my life. Coach amat berharga bagi team, tanpa coach, sebuah team cant even develop themselves properly. Coach always give sepenuh harapan towards ape yang he did ajar esp Mr Liew. What coach needs is response from the players. when there's no output from what he did ajar, maybe he would just kecewa and melemahkan semangat beliau. When there is no comitment from both sides, then no ones could have any kebaikan from that circumstances. Play it full-heartedly, not just half-heartedly. follow the instructions. have confident deep inside urself and even towards the coach. The best thing is to try and build a really strong relationship and chemistry between players and coach.
To my dear f5, this year gonna be your last year. Put more effort. Please give more response and commitment. If not for your team, just do it for the sake of people who did gave fully support and hopes yang menggunung tingginya.
abg ise and kak ana, saya tak sure apa yg saya type betul ke tak betul nih, but anyway, that's all for the time being, :)
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