For the sports day, the Cagers dominated the long distance events. Miki and M won the Class A 800 meter and 1500 meter. Several others won the field event as well. The shot putt, the high jump and several other events. Sulaiman House pipped Ahmad on the last relay
Sunday, June 24, 2007
MCKK Speech & Sports Day
For the sports day, the Cagers dominated the long distance events. Miki and M won the Class A 800 meter and 1500 meter. Several others won the field event as well. The shot putt, the high jump and several other events. Sulaiman House pipped Ahmad on the last relay
Saturday, June 09, 2007
The original article and title by YBhg. Dato' Saifuddin Abdullah (Sarp 78) before it was edited and printed in the Berita Harian 9 June 2007. Even the title was changed and several paragraphs has been edited due to space constraint.
Pertandingan tersebut dimulakan pada 1974 di Sekolah Alam Shah (SAS), dan kecuali pada 1998 dan 1999, ia telah diadakan pada setiap tahun.
Dalam tempoh itu, pasukan MCKK, yang menggelar dirinya Cagers, paling banyak menjadi johan, iaitu 12 kali, di samping 4 kali menjadi naib johan.
Ini diikuti oleh Royal Military College (RMC) yang menjadi johan sebanyak 5 kali dan naib johan 10 kali; dan Sekolah Datuk Abdul Razak (SDAR) yang menjadi johan 5 kali dan naib johan 3 kali.
Cagers satu-satunya yang berjaya menang 3 tahun berturut-turut sebanyak 2 kali, iaitu pada 1981-1983 dan 2004-2006. Pasukan lain yang pernah menang 3 tahun berturut-turut ialah SDAR, iaitu pada 1974-1976.
Dengan kemenangannya kali ini, maka Cagers satu-satunya yang pernah menang 4 tahun berturut-turut, iaitu 2004-2007.
Dalam 20 tahun pertama pertandingan ini (1974-1993), Cagers menjadi johan 8 kali dan naib johan 3 kali. Pada tahun tidak memasuki pertandingan akhir, ia sekurang-kurangnya layak ke separuh akhir. Kerana kejayaannya yang cemerlang itu, maka Piala Hamdan Tahir yang asal telah dihadiahkan untuk simpanan Cagers.
Apakah rahsia kecemerlangan Cagers? Jawabnya ialah jurulatihnya, Liew Yong Choon.
Anak Kuala Kangsar ini graduan Universiti Malaya, menyertai Polis Di-Raja Malaysia sebagai kadet Assistant Superintendent Police (ASP) pada 1975 dan bersara pilihan sebagai Senior Assistant Commissioner (SAC) pada 1997.
Dalam bola keranjang, beliau pemain Perak (1968), Exco Persatuan Bola Keranjang Amatur Malaysia (MABA) pada 1980 dan Naib Presidennya (1987-1989), dan pengurus pasukan bola keranjang lelaki Malaysia di Sukan Sea 1989.
Dalam Sukan Sea itu, selepas hampir 20 tahun tidak memenangi pingat emas bola keranjang lelaki, kita berjaya memenanginya. Itulah juga kali terakhir setakat ini.
Oleh kerana MCKK tidak mempunyai jurulatih, Liew diundang melatih Cagers mulai pertengahan 1974, iaitu sebelum Piala Hamdan Tahir yang pertama di mana Cagers menduduki tempat ketiga, iaitu di belakang SDAR dan RMC.
Tetapi, keputusan tersebut kurang menarik. Yang lebih menarik ialah pada awal tahun itu, iaitu sebelum Cagers dilatih Liew, ia kalah kepada Sekolah Tuanku Abdul Rahman (STAR). Dalam Piala Hamdan Tahir itu, Cagers yang berwajah baru di bawah Liew telah menewaskan pasukan STAR yang sama. Liew telah membuktikan kewibawaannya.
Mulai saat itu, Liew yang ketika itu bertugas di Kuala Lumpur berulang alik setiap bulan, malahan adakalanya setiap minggu, untuk melatih Cagers. Beliau berihat pada 1988- 1989 untuk menjadi pengurus pasukan Malaysia. Beliau kembali melatih Cagers pada 1992-1993 sebelum berehat panjang selepas itu.
Dalam tempoh 20 tahun itu (1974-1993), Liew menjadi jurulatih secara sukarela, iaitu tanpa apa-apa imbuhan. Bukan kerana MCKK atau Persatuan Murid-murid Tua MCKK (MCOBA) tidak menghulurkan apa-apa. Tetapi kerana beliau tidak mahu menerima apa-apa. Sebalik, beliau banyak membelanjakan duitnya sendiri.
Selepas itu, iaitu semasa ketiadaannya selama 10 tahun (1994-2003), Cagers hanya menjadi naib johan pada 1994 dan tahun berikutnya layak ke separuh akhir sahaja. 8 tahun yang berikutnya (atau 6 tahun, kerana tiada pertandingan pada 1998-1999), Cagers bukan sahaja tidak memenangi apa-apa, malahan pernah tidak layak ke peringkat kebangsaan kerana kalah di peringkat zon. Itu zaman kegelapan Cagers.
Pada 2003, atas undangan bekas-bekas Cagers (diketuai Ihsan Ismail yang kini pengurus Cagers, Kushairi Abd Manaf dan Riza Amarallah Beg), Liew kembali menjadi jurulatih. Bekas Cagers menubuhkan program Quest-4-Glory (Q4G) yang lengkap dengan tabung membiayai segala keperluan Cagers. Tetapi Liew masih enggan menerima apa-apa.
Sasaran Q4G ialah untuk menjadi johan semula mulai 2005, iaitu sempena ulang tahun ke-100 MCKK. Tetapi, kehebatan Liew membolehkan Cagers menjadi johan setahun lebih awal, iaitu pada 2004. Kisah seterusnya adalah sejarah bertinta emas.
Cagers menjadi pasukan bolakeranjang yang disegani di Daerah Kuala Kangsar dan juga Pulau Pinang. Mereka pernah dijemput untuk menyertai pertandingan Bola Keranjang Bandar Sungai Siput dan mencipta rekod menjadi pasukan pertama membawa keluar Piala Kejohanan dari Bandar Sungai Siput. Cagers juga dijemput khas untuk menyertai Pertandingan Bola Keranjang Pulau Pinang dibawah 16 tahun (merupakan satu-satunya pasukan dari luar Pulau Pinang). Mereka menunjukkan prestasi cemerlang dan menjadi ‘crowd favorite’ dalam pertandingan tersebut.
Liew membentuk Cagers mempunyai sikap yang betul. Mereka bermain seperti pemain profesional – menguasai kemahiran asas yang tinggi, mematuhi strategi dan taktik yang ditentukan, berstamina, berdisiplin, komited, bersistem dan berlatih sepanjang tahun.
Tetapi, Cagers bukan sekadar pasukan bola keranjang. Ia lebih daripada itu. Ia adalah satu kumpulan ahli sukan yang tidak mempunyai masalah disiplin. Liew dan Q4G membuat peraturannya sendiri bagi memastikan rekod bersih ini dikekalkan.
Cagers juga mempunyai rekod akademik yang membanggakan. Liew dan Q4G menentukan sasaran tertentu. Sesiapa yang gagal memenuhinya tidak dibenarkan berlatih dan bermain untuk masa tertentu. Pernah 2 orang pemain utamanya tidak diturunkan dalam Piala Hamdan Tahir peringkat zon kerana gagal satu kertas peperiksaan.
Q4G menyediakan tusyen oleh guru-guru dari luar untuk Cagers bagi subjek paling lemah untuk SPM. Liew sendiri memberi tusyen bahasa Inggeris, matematik dan sains untuk PMR. Manakala pemain senior digalakkan membantu pemain junior.
Dalam PMR 2003, 2005 dan 2006, semua Cagers, kecuali seorang, mendapat 8A, manakala pada 2004, semua mendapat 8A.
Dalam SPM pula, pada 2004, semua Cagers mendapat sekurang-kurangnya 7A. Pada 2006, seorang mendapat 10A, seorang mendapat 9A dan 2 orang mendapat 8A. Rekod Cagers ialah pada 2005 apabila 2 orang mendapat 101A, seorang mendapat 9A, 2 orang mendapat 8A dan seorang mendapat 7A, di mana kaptennya dan juga pemain terbaik Piala Hamdan Tahir, Ahmad Amirul Hafidz Ab Rahman, adalah pelajar terbaik Malaysia dalam kategori 101A.
Bagi Liew, dan ini mempengaruhi Cagers dan Q4G, bola keranjang bukan untuk MCKK sahaja. Liew mahu mutu bola keranjang meningkat. Justeru, beliau melatih Sekolah Tun Fatimah (STF) dan membantu Sekolah Menengah Sains Pokok Sena, Sekolah Menengah Sains Sultan Mahmud (SESMA), dan, mulai Julai ini, Tunku Kurshiah College (TKC).
Bagi bola keranjang perempuan SBP Piala Hajah Zainab tahun ini, yang diadakan serentak dengan Piala Hamdan Tahir itu, dua didikannya, iaitu SESMA, telah untuk pertama kalinya sampai ke separuh akhir, manakala, STF, setelah 16 tahun kemarau johan, telah berjaya menewaskan Sekolah Seri Puteri (SSP), iaitu kuasa utama bola keranjang perempuan SBP, dalam perlawanan akhir.
Ini bermakna tahun ini, Liew mengetuai juara berganda, iaitu MCKK dan STF – satu sejarah yang pertama kali terlakar.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
34th HKSBP in SMS Kota Tinggi
The Cagers were grouped together with last year's 2 semifinalists and one of the tournament's favorite. No complaints from us because we know as in previous PHT tournaments, the Cagers will ALWAYS get the short end of the stick. They will always put us at the furthest end of the dormitories with the worst facilities (non working lights and fans). Every year, the Cagers will always raise to the occasions and proved it will take more than take to bring us down. This year, the Cagers have proven beyond doubt that they are simply the best in SBP basketball! Read on...
MC Cagers vs. SMS Kuching
27th of May 2007, 9.30 am
The Cagers started slowly, offensively, in the first quarter. They only managed to score 25 points at the half time, but they managed to hold SMS Kuching to only 12 points. The Cagers exploded, offensively, in the third quarter by scoring 27 points and allowed SMS Kuching to score only 3 points. The second five took over in the fourth quarter. The Cagers won the game 61 – 27.
All in all, the Cagers played below their own standard in this opening game and showed apparent signs of nervousness. The scoring was well spread, with Justin leading the score with 12.
MC Cagers vs. SMS Machang
28th of May 2007, 8.00 am
The Cagers started well by scoring 27 points in the first quarter, while holding SMS Machang (last year’s finalist) to only 6 points. The offensive prowess continued in the second quarter with the Cagers leading 48 – 19 at the half. The second five took over in the second half. The Cagers won 86 – 35, the biggest winning margin in the tournament!
The Cagers did well by hitting 9 3-pointers. Syahmi led the scoring with 25 points, making 5 3-pointers.
MC Cagers vs. SDAR
28th of May 2007, 4.30 pm
SDAR was one of the favorites to enter the final. The Cagers struggled against the bigger SDAR players in the first quarter. SDAR used the man-to-man marking on Em, Miki and Rahmat. It failed miserably when Ammar and Justin began hitting their shots. After a pep talk by the coach, the Cagers began playing with confidence. They used their quickness and better stamina to negate the difference in size. Justin began showing his true ability when the SDAR players slowed down in the third quarter. The Cagers pulled away in the third quarter and led by 30 points. Mr. Liew decided to rest the main players and put in the juniors to play in the fourth quarter. The juniors couldn’t contain the SDAR players and began committing too many fouls. SDAR took advantage of the free throw given (20 points) and managed to narrow the score. Cagers won 91 – 79. Justin led the scorers with 23 points, followed by Miki with 22 points. The Cagers committed 23 fouls with Mokri fouled out of the game.
MC Cagers vs. RMC
29th of May 2007, 8.00 am
This was the last game of the pre - round for the Cagers. RMC had to play SDAR in the evening. The Cagers started off sluggishly. The previous game against SDAR seemed to take its toll on the Cagers. The Cagers played too casually against RMC. Luckily RMC couldn’t take advantage of the lapse in the Cagers. Miki, played very well, despite the man-to-man marking by RMC, scoring all his 26 points in the first half, he even outscored the whole RMC team in the half! The Cagers led 33 – 12 at half time. Mr. Liew took out the first five after the third quarter when the Cagers led 48 – 18. The juniors took over in the second half. RMC took advantage of the junior players and managed to make the score more respectable. The Cagers won 51 – 38. Miki led all scorers with 26 points. This is, by far, the worst game for the Cagers in the tournament.
MC Cagers vs. SMS Dungun
30th of May 2007, 8.00 am
The Cagers started cautiously against Dungun. They struggled offensively but managed to defend aggressively against Dungun. The Cagers led 29 – 26 at the half. In the second half the Cagers began hitting their shots. Mr. Liew took out the first five and let the juniors played in the fourth quarter. Cagers won 70 – 49. Miki and Em led the scorers with 19 points each. Em did an outstanding defensive job by shutting down SMS Dungun point guard and their best player while contributing offensively as well.
The Finals
MC Cagers vs. SMS Seremban (SASER)
31st of May 2007, 9.30 am
SASER did Cagers a favor by eliminating SDAR in the semifinal. Even though overall, SASER players are taller, the Cagers are fitter and faster.
The game was over within 7 minutes in the first quarter when the Cagers led 28 – 3. Mr. Liew instructed the Cagers to play full-court press, denying the SASER guards getting the ball to their tall players. The game plan worked well when SASER taller players couldn't get the ball to trouble the Cagers effectively. Em and Rahmat continued harassing SASER guards. Em capitalized on the turnovers by the SASER players to score easy baskets. The second team took over in the second quarter and kept SASER at bay. At the end of the half, the score was 50 – 24. Most of the spectators left the court to see the Debates Semifinals.
The second half continued with the Cagers shooting very well. They made a total of 8 3-pointers in the game, Em and Rahmat contributed 3 each. The score was 75 – 37 at the end of the third quarter. HM was seen urging the Cagers to go for the century during the break.
The final score was 103 - 62; the Cagers emerged triumphant with a margin of 41 points, a record for the highest scoring in any final game of the tournament. It was the only 100 points game in the tournament. Em led with 29 points in scoring. The prize-giving ceremony was held subsequently, with Em being named the Most Valuable Player of the tournament.
Special thanks to Mr. Liew, for his undying spirit and his gift of this 12th PHT, Q4G Project coordinators and supporters, old boys who were there to cheer the Cagers; the college administrators themselves; Mr. Rauhi, the principal, teachers, the players themselves, present boys, supporters, and all those who were involved directly or indirectly.
Four years the Q4G project has been carried out, and four years we tasted victory. Records after records has been achieved and broken. This year the Cagers created history by becoming the first team to achieve 4 in a row (double back-to-back) championships and also breaking the highest scoring game in the finals (103 points).
Q4G continues.................